Fire alarm at London City Airport as man tries to delay flight

London City Airport was evacuated on Tuesday after a man set off a fire alarm because he was late for his flight A full-scale evacuation was carried out after the man triggered the alarm in the hope of delaying a British Airways flight to Frankfurt. Police attended the incident and the culprit was questioned before being released. "A late-running passenger trying to stop a flight to Frankfurt triggered the fire alarm,” a spokesman for the airport said.

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"The source was immediately identified and staff and passengers were able to re-enter the building around 15 minutes later."

He added: "Once an aircraft has started its engines there's little you can do to get onboard if you're late, short of clinging to the undercarriage - which we obviously wouldn't recommend.

"Lovely though Frankfurt is, the person who triggered the alarm will probably, with hindsight, wish they had taken it on the chin and re-booked as the matter was taken up by police."

Asked whether the passenger had managed to make his flight, the airport's Twitter feed said: "They were questioned and released, we believe they continued their journey with a much longer delay as a result."

Scotland Yard said officers attended but it was down to the airport to decide what action to take and the man was not arrested.

Edited by Natalie Paris
